
About me

I'm an innovative journalist who has a passion for crafting ideas into thought-evoking experiences that get people to feel and see things differently. 

I have a knack for spotting a story and molding it to fit almost any platform. This is in part because of my professional background, which includes working with award-winning media companies like The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The Sun Sentinel, ION Network and Current TV.

My career, however, is only half of the story. My diverse upbringing —  having been born in Crete, Greece, raised in Palm Beach County, Fla., by Jamaican parents, and having lived in Miami, Fla., for more than a decade before moving to New York City —  has undeniably played a role in how I see the world. In many ways, it is a driving force behind my curiosity about people, culture and news.